Friday, October 26, 2012

Dinosaur Sweatshirt continued...

Sadly, this awesome sweatshirt is lost forever.  I accept that now. However...

After whining about how sad I was that I had lost Zuul's sweatshirt and how badly I had wanted her to wear them to her grandparent's house in Maine, Jai finally just looked at me and said, "why don't you just go buy another one."  I was shocked!  I wasn't supposed to buy the first one, but he is great husband and he wants me to be happy. 

So, after a six target circuit (yes, I live within 20 minutes of six separate targets), I found it!!  It is a nine month size but that is okay, because she is a huge baby is can wear a 9 month sweatshirt okay at four months and it comes with a onesie and pants so it seemed silly to have 2 onesies and pants in the same size. 

It is currently spinning around the washer getting ready for camping.  Yes, you read right.  Jai and I are taking our 4 month old baby girl camping in October.  Not only is it October, but for those of you not in the Memphis area, it is raining and it dropped 30 degrees from yesterday.  But yet we solider on. 

So, there won't be any new blog posts this weekend, but expect to hear all about it when we get back.

1 comment:

  1. Of course he let you get another one. He so whipped by the both of you... er... I mean, he loves his family (and me) so much.
